
Webinar: Experiential learning for safety: evaluation of professional development options

April 7, 2025

7 April 1pm-2.30 (Syd/Mel/Can)

Many Future Fuels CRC participants have attended professional development workshops presented as part of RP2.3-07 with a focus on non-technical capabilities for safety decision making. These popular sessions have been delivered using two different learning designs – one based on accident cases (using both discussion and role play) and the second using a serious game called Plant Pipeline.

Drawing on the results of four evaluation methods (survey, focus group on the day, before and after scenario responses and three month interviews), this seminar focuses on the research findings about the effectiveness of these training methods. While both methods were shown to be effective, there are subtle differences which are important for future use of these training materials.


Prof Jan Hayes

Prof Sarah Holdsworth

Prof Sarah Maslen

Dr Orana Sandri


Ted Metcalfe and Susan Jaques

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