RP3.2-06: Development of a New Fracture Propagation Model
Executive Summary | This project completes the developed fracture control models based on alternated representation of the material’s resistance to fracture. Current models and measures of fracture resistance used for the control of running ductile fracture are not effective predictors of the mechanisms ensuring arrest of the fracture. This project capitalises on the development work carried out within the CO2Safe-Arrest Joint Industry Project (JIP). It uses the data, the developed knowledge, the methods and the materials of the JIP to complete the development of a fracture control model based on an alternative measure of the resistance to fracture of the material. |
Login | Full project details are available to participants of the CRC, please login or contact us to create your account. |
Commencement / End Date | February 2020 to August 2024 |
Outcomes / Impact | The outcomes of the project develops an industry ready novel methodology and model to measure and use the knowledge of the resistance to fracture of materials present in a distribution or pipeline network for the purpose of fracture control and defect assessments. The significance of the model could displace all techniques currently used in the context of defect assessment and fracture of pipelines with better estimate of margins for control of failures. This in turn impacts on the design, operation and integrity management processes from which increase in safety factors and/or economics will be generated. The roadmap to such impact is extensive in time, well beyond this project, and would account for the development and validation of the proposed model followed by the development of effective measurement methods applicable to production constrains and associated changes to standards. |
Partners | University of Wollongong, APA, GPA Engineering, AES Pipelines |
Research Contact | Douglas Proud Research & Utilisation Program Coordinator |