
What could a National Renewable Gas Target mean for Australia?

March 28, 2022

Tuesday 5 April 2022 – 11:30am to 1:00pm (AEST Melb/Syd)

This online forum will feature Future Fuels CRC researcher Jim Hancock from the SA Centre for Economic Studies at the University of Adelaide outlining the proposed approach for our Renewable Gas Target CGE modelling research project that is starting soon RP2.2-04 ‘Understanding the implications of a Renewable Gas Target for Australia’s gas networks’.

Michael Probert from the NSW Government will also share an overview of their Renewable Fuel Target Scheme. This is a first for Australia and is currently under active development.

Industry representatives will also share and discuss their views on the Future Fuels CRC research project, followed by an extended Q&A session.

Feel free to extend this invitation to interested colleagues and register here:

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